Compiled Messages Topic: My Reflections from 8.31.09 Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009 Subject: My Reflections from 8.31.09 Author: Desiree Glover What did you discover about Leadership Theory that you did not know?

I learned quite a few things about leadership theory, but the most interesting and best defined was the process definition of leadership. "Leadership is a property or set of properties possessed in varying degress by different people" (Jago, 1982). Leadership can be observed in behaviors and can be learned. Also, there is a mutual and direct relationship between the leader and the followers that exists.

How would you describe the activities, discussions and the primary questions that were poised to in the discussions by the professor ?

The class activities, particularly the cardinal direction activity, allowed for the natural application of leadership skills. The activity provided an opportunity for the candidates to display leadership behaviors and served as a basis for the lecture and discussion.

If you are a teacher, how would you describe the methods used to facilitate the instructional process from the class and what theory of learning would you use to support your description?

The process definition of leadership was the fundamental theory that guided the class. The cardinal activity proved that leadership is different in different people and can be observed. We saw Mr. Sims' leadership displayed with his knowledge and experience of the Atlanta area. Ms. Gray showed her leadership skills when she relied on GPS and went against the views of the majority. Everyone displayed "varying degrees" of leadership.

How would you introduce yourself to the members of the class with the inclusion of the following-My current position is; My current LEA or agency is...

My current position is Spanish Teacher; My current LEA is Carver H.S. of Health Sciences and Research.

My primary goals for the next five years include....

1. Obtaining a school leadership position.
2. Earning an Ed.D in Ed. Leadership from CAU.
3. Becoming an Asst. Principal or Principal of an urban high school.

Topic: My Reflections from 8.31.09 Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Subject: Re:My Reflections from 8.31.09 Author: Noran Moffett Very interesting reflections and I suggest you consider the importance of the way the theory relates to the organization of New Schools of Carver-How would you describe this relationship? Topic: My Reflections from 8.31.09 Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009 Subject: Re:My Reflections from 8.31.09 Author: Desiree Glover Well, the theory suggests that leadership is observed in different ways by different people, and that can definitely been seen at NSC. There are 4 schools, each with distinct leadership teams, however each school has been successful in transforming Carver into small learning communities. Topic: My Reflections from 8.31.09 Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009 Subject: Re:My Reflections from 8.31.09 Author: Noran Moffett Can you describe the trait approaches that might be evident at NSC